About Us
Bright Minds Academy is committed to successful partnership with families and the community, promote positive child development, and to foster students confidence, creativity, critical thinking, multicultural awareness, and passion for learning. Bright Minds Academy is to recognize the unique gifts of each student, excite students about the world around them and the power of knowledge, provide inclusive and adaptable learning experiences, facilitate growth that enables students to move through the different stages of learning.
Our Story – Helping Your Child Explore, Grow, & Learn
Bright Minds Academy was founded in 2019 and serves 100 children between the ages of 2yrs-12yrs olds. Everyday our program plans large periods during both the morning and afternoon for choice time and outdoor time. Children engage in enjoyable experiences that support meaningful learning during those times. Our program establishes and maintains a safe environment for the children/in our care. We do this by providing an environment for the children that is free from harmful items. We provide age appropriate furniture that they can utilize during learning time, meal time, play time, rest time and personal area time such as the restroom and hand washing. We provide the children with a clean environment for their everyday activities by daily cleaning the classroom and the items inside the room keeping them safe from germs. The classroom is arranged for the children to explore and play safely. All indoor and outdoor equipment and materials are age appropriate for the children in the program.The supplies in the classroom are free from damage that could harm or cause injury to the children. The outdoor area is age appropriate and the children have a safe area to explore and use gross motor skills. We are always aware of what is going on in the program and outside to be sure that the children are following safety rules. Our program believes to advance physical and intellectual abilities, physical development and cognitive development work together as children engage in active play and discovery. Healthy minds and bodies contribute to a healthy learning environment. In each classroom, we make sure the age-appropriate activities are planned and implemented weekly. Our classrooms mobile learning centers are a great way to introduce critical thinking to our children.Through appropriate experiences and teach methods we promote curiosity reasoning and problem solving in children.Teaching methods can be investigated and explored through science, math, art, literacy and dramatic play. Bright Minds Academy works very hard and cooperative to make sure that the goals and objectives that we have set for each child are met. We use a variety of resources in our planning process. We want to make sure that all the needs of the children are included in our plans. Our program uses the Creative Curriculum. This curriculum has a correlated observation tool. We use this tool to observe and document the progress of the children in the program three times annually. We do observations during the children’s everyday activities both inside and outside. Once the observations are completed, we analyze the data and use it to plan appropriately for each child. Observation and documentation on the children helps to evaluate the individual needs of each child. Activities and other learning experiences are planned based on the observations. As a team, we maintain a well organized learning environment daily. We make sure that all planned activities provide a stimulating learning experience for the children. Bright Minds Academy works very closely with community agencies and stays abreast of any information that we think will be helpful to the parents and children we serve daily. As a program for young children we are aware of the need to involve parents in their child’s educational and developmental process. Each parent is an expert and a valuable partner when it comes to identifying and meeting their child’s needs. Our program makes sure we provide a variety of opportunities for parents and family members to participate in activities and experiences planned for their child.

Philosophy & Mission
The vision of this early childhood learning program is to form successful partnerships with families and the community, promote positive child development, and to foster students’ confidence, creativity, critical thinking, multicultural awareness, and passion for learning. Our mission at Bright Minds Academy is to recognize the unique gifts of each student, excite students about the world around them and the power of knowledge, provide inclusive and adaptable learning experiences, facilitate growth that enables students to move through the different stages of learning, build relationships with families and the community, promote positive child development, and foster students confidences, critical thinking, multicultural awareness, and passion for learning. It is our goal to provide the best possible experience.

Helping Your Child Explore, Grow, & Learn
What We Offer
Blocks are ideal for promoting physical skills and eye-hand coordination. They are also designed to support mathematical thinking. Children learn the names of various shapes, create patterns, and compare the weight of different blocks
Dramatic Play children are learning how to work with others, use language to accomplish a task, control their behavior, negotiate roles, take the perspective of other persons, and solve problems.
Art helps children acquire academic skills. Children represent their thoughts and ideas by painting, drawing, sculpting and constructing.
Math Children is learning to count one to one correspondence, estimating and number relationships. Learning about size, quantity, shapes, patterns and sorting.
Science children learn to explore and question how their environment and world work.
Stories and Books our classrooms have a large collection of books for the children, we encourage the children to look at the books whenever they want. Reading encourages children to love books, introduces new ideas, and helps children how to handle problems.